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1935 Trade Mark Monopoly White Box Game Components

The components were originally sealed in cellophane, and the box dividers are relatively unique to this set and the White Box TM/1,509,312, the 1,509,312 Patent and early 1936 Dual Patent sets. The early metal die cast tokens were made by the Dowst Manufacturing Company with a Zinc alloy called Zamak. It is also referred to as Pot Metal or White Metal. The dark oxidation, which is very common with many of the early tokens (1935-1938), was a result of impurities in the manufacturing process. By the late 1930s, these impurities were eliminated. "Darrow" style money is used and the houses and hotels are painted green and red and the Chance and Community Chest cards followed the 1935 Darrow cards. The Deeds were the same but dropped the colored border.

Very Rare

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